Mystery Blogger Award

I received the Mystery Blogger award. Thank you so much Queen Nique  for nominating me for this opportunity for this award. I hope their will be more in the future and that you guys continue to enjoy my posts. Thank you guys for commenting and supporting the blog. It is much appreciated 🙂

The creator of this blog is Okoto Enigma. Glad she thought of creating this idea to allow bloggers to interact and develop better relationships.



Display the award logo on your blog.

1.List The Rules

2. Mention Creator Of Award & Provide A Link

3. Thank The Blogger(s) Who Nominated You & Provide A Link

4. Say 3 Things About Yourself

5. Nominate From 10 To 20 Bloggers

6. Notify Nominated Bloggers By Leaving A Comment On Their Blog

7. Answer 5 Questions From Nominee

8. Write 5 Questions For Your Nominees

9. Share Your Best Post

Three things about myself:

  1. I love cheesecake. Strawberry is pretty good
  2. My favourite type of food is Lasagna.
  3. I am very open minded. You don’t have to believe everything you hear but you can listen. Knowledge is power some at least some of the time 🙂

Five questions from my nomine:

  1. Why did you start blogging? There was hardly anyone in my country doing anything related to natural hair and based on the climate which i live in i thought it was a good idea to provide people with some information. 
  2. Where is your favourite place to travel? I have never actually travelled before. If i had to choose a place it would be France, Dubai, Egypt or Hawaii
  3.  What is one major accomplishment you have made since blogging? My biggest accomplishment is getting recognized for this award, as well as people reading and recognizing my content, and me being able to help where needed as possible is enough accomplishment for me 🙂
  4. What is your favourite type of music? My favourite type of music is soft rock or rock in general
  5. How would you describe yourself in 3 words? Why? 1. I am honest or least i try to be. I do not believe lying is worth losing someone or hurting their feelings.   2. I am very forgiving. It is very easy for me because it is just in my nature to do so. 3.I am determined. If i want something (school, work, food lol) i go get it. It doesn’t mean i will succeed but doesn’t mean i will stop trying. 

Five questions for my nominees:

  1. Why did you start blogging?
  2. What do you enjoy doing that makes you happy?
  3. How would you describe yourself in 3 words? and why?
  4. Name something you dislike or hate?
  5. Favourite song and artist?

My best post:

Deep conditioning 

I nominate: Check out their blogs 🙂

Thuli Mac





The Fallible Queen 


Femme Fatale


Lila Makopo 


Hope you guys enjoyed. God bless and be safe 🙂


The Versatile Blogger Award

Hi everyone . Hope you all are safe and are doing great. I am very thankful for receiving a nomination from Queen Nique for this award. Check her out, she had great tips for yoga, natural hair etc. This is my first award and thought it would be a good idea to give my readers a bit of insight about us. I look forward to sharing content with my readers in the future. Thanks you all for the support and love that you have given and most importantly thank you for reading and commenting on my blog. I do appreciate every like and or comment. 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂

This award was originated by Diwakar (author of  Idiotviews) Thank you for creating 🙂


Seven facts about me:

  1. I love creative and artistic things which includes any form of art, painting drawing, etc.
  2. I love the outdoors because nothing is better than appreciating nature in its true form
  3. I like the beach. I find it relaxing i can get lost in my thoughts or think of nothing at all.
  4. I am from Trinidad and Tobago
  5. Favourite movie genre are horror, mystery, adventure/action and sometimes romance.
  6. I love animals. They are very simple. They are not as complicated as humans and do not aim to destroy, mostly aim to survive.
  7. Me and my sister like to watch wrestling (WWE) Yeaaaaaaaah!!!!!!! Bring on the pain. lol


I Nominate:

Beautifully NayNay

Thuli Mac





The Fallible Queen 


Notes from Wanda


Lila Makopo 

Lush Fro


Lindsay Nell 


Femme Fatale


Rules for the award:

  1. You have to thank the person who nominated you and provide a link to their blog! (being kind).
  2. Link the nominees and inform them about their nomination (passing the love ,that was given).
  3. Nominate at least 15 bloggers of your choice.
  4. Share 7 facts about yourself (being truthful!)


Thanks for taking the time to read. Hope you enjoy. Have a blessed and wonderful day 😉



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Deep conditioning is the process of providing your hair with additional moisture, nutrients and restoring essential oils that are lost when shampooing via a deep conditioner which cannot be obtained from using a regular conditioner. A deep conditioner is a more intensive version of a conditioner.


Natural hair generally loses moisture over time due to exposure to weather conditions, excessive heat from heat styling tools, cleansing hair via shampoos etc… Deep conditioning your hair on a regular basis for example once or twice per week, is very beneficial to your hair as it restores moisture that was lost due to the above mentioned factors which help promote healthier hair.


There are many different types of deep conditioners which provide different benefits to your hair such as:

  • Moisturizing Deep Conditioners – Provides additional moisture and restores moisture to dry thirsty hair strands. (can be used once or twice per week)
  • Reconstructing Deep Conditioners – Helps heal damaged hair. (can be used weekly)
  • Protein Deep Conditioners – Provides protein and essential nutrients to help build stronger and healthier hair strands. If your hair is protein sensitive, i would recommend that you use this conditioner at least once a month. Protein Deep Conditioners tend to be a bit drying, so you must follow up with a good moisturizer.
  • DIY Deep Conditioners – Many naturals prefer to create their own deep conditioners using various items in their household which works just as well as store bought deep conditioners or even better, based on their hair needs for moisture, protein, damage etc…


I have been using hair masks, treatments and deep conditioners over the past and in my opinion, there is not really a difference. All three products basically perform the same function, the only difference is that they may vary in texture and ingredients.


We all know that on our hair’s wash day routine, it is quite time consuming for some more than others. Many naturals may not have the time due to their busy schedules to deep condition on a regular basis that is once or twice per week, but may deep condition every two weeks or a month due to time constraint.

Not deep conditioning your hair on a regular basis especially for those who have dry, damaged or dyed hair can actually aid in deteriorating your hair’s health even further and it is not advisable. There are many deep conditioners available now that get the job done in 3, 5, 10 or 15 minutes.

For those of us who’s hair is already in a healthy state, you can get away with deep conditioning maybe every two weeks but I personally cannot and would not deep condition once per month due to my hair needs and because of the climate conditions which i live in. I normally prefer to deep condition once or when i have the time twice per week. In the week when I’m pressed for time I would deep condition for at least 5 minutes and on my weekend hair’s wash day, I would deep condition for 30 minutes to an hour in order to maintain the overall health of my hair. This is what works for me and as always you would need to experiment with different deep conditioning procedures, to find the best one that works for you.

As always happy, healthy hair journey!



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Sulfate or Sulphate is a molecule with a chemical formula SO2 composed of salt (sulfuric acid), acid derivatives, and peroxides of sulfate widely used in industries. Sulfates occur in everyday life.


These products contain sulfates, parabens, phthalates, paraffin, gluten, propylene glycol, mineral oil, synthetic fragrance, synthetic color and DEA. However, not all sulphate products contain all of the ingredients listed. They are not harmful to the body or hair. In the natural hair community sulphate products get a bad reputation because of its properties.


  • Products that contain sulphates can cause irritation to the scalp and skin (especially for individuals with sensitive skin, dandruff etc…)
  • Sulphates are harsh on the hair and scalp causing dryness
  • Sulphates can strip your hair of essentials oils

Although sulphate products are not the best beneficial products to use in terms of hair care, sulphate shampoos for e.g. does a tremendous job at removing buildup and thoroughly cleansing your hair. However, should you use a sulphate shampoo remember to follow up with a moisturizing conditioner and a moisturizing deep conditioner to restore moisture and essentials oils back into your hair. Alot of naturals still use sulphate products and they work great in their hair care routine. It all depends on individual preference and experimentation to determine whether or not sulphate products are the right choice for you.


Unlike sulphate products, sulphate free products does not contain sulfates, parabens, phthalates, paraffin, gluten, propylene glycol, mineral oil, synthetic fragrance, synthetic color and DEA. However, some products claim to be sulphate free but not paraben free. Not all sulphate free products would be paraben free, likewise not all sulphate free products would be gluten and mineral oil free as well. It is important that you carefully read the ingredients list of products before you purchase. Of course sulphate free products are very popular but tend to be quite costly. They are widely known throughout natural hair communities, blogs, YouTube etc… Sulphate free products are preferably chosen and used by many naturals.


  • No sulphates
  • No harsh ingredients
  • Moisturizing
  • Does not irritate the scalp and skin
  • Less tangles


  • Shampoos may not thoroughly and effectively cleanse hair. For those who use heavy styling products opt for a clarifying shampoo at least once per month or a deep cleansing shampoo.

Sulphate and sulphate free products are both popular and are used by many natural based on personal preferences. You have to experiment with both products to determine which one best suits your needs.

As always have a happy, healthy hair journey!
